irc mac

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相關軟體 mIRC 下載

mIRC 是一種網路中繼交談的用戶端軟體。(Internet Relay Chat),已有超過百萬人及組織在此活動。 簡單且實用的使用者介面。 聯絡人清單。 ...

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  • mIRC on Apple Macs Sorry but mIRC only runs on the Windows operating system, so it will no...
    mIRC: mIRC on Apple Macs, Linux, Mobiles and Tablets
  • Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml... — Mac IRC Clients
  • An IRC client for Mac OS X. One window for multiple servers. Rich keyboard shortcuts. Fast...
    LimeChat: IRC Client for Mac
  • Colloquy是Mac OS X下的免費IRC用戶端,介面設計友好,還有Console可以監控背後針對每個頻道執行所有IRC 命令。 WeeChat也是一款類UNIX系統下的CL...
    IRC - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • Limechat for mac I used Limechat for years because it's simple, fast, and functional. ...
    The best IRC client for Mac OS X - Quora
  • An IRC client for Macintosh OS X. Contains screenshots, documentation, support and downloa...
    Colloquy - Official Site
  • iRC for Mac : Free Download - IRC chat client. Download the latest versions of the best Ma...
    iRC for Mac : Free Download : MacUpdate
  • How do you like your IRC client? Rare, medium or well done? It's up to you how Babbel ... - Babbel - An IRC client for Mac and Windows ...
  • Textual is an IRC client created specifically for macOS Support Knowledge Base Textual 7 T...
    Textual: IRC for macOS
  • Client for MacOS 9 and up. Advanced features including ircII scripting support and parenta...
    Snak - IRC for Mac